Thursday, 7 February 2013

Milestone chart: 13 to 24 months

Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Uses two words skillfully (e.g., "hi" and "bye")
Bends over and picks up an object
Enjoys gazing at his reflection
Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him
Combines words and gestures to make needs known
Rolls a ball back and forth
Eats with fingers
Empties containers of contents
Imitates others
Toddles well
Initiates games
Points to one body part when asked
Responds to instructions (e.g., "give me a kiss")
Uses a spoon or fork
Matches lids with appropriate containers
Pushes and pulls toys while walking
Plays with ball
Uses three words regularly
Walks backward
Scribbles with a crayon
Adopts "no" as his favorite word
"Helps" around the house
Puts his fingers to his mouth and says "shhh"
Turns the pages of a book
Has temper tantrums when frustrated
Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object
Discovers the joy of climbing
Stacks three blocks
Uses spoon or fork
Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
Uses six words regularly
Enjoys pretend games
Likes riding toys
Feeds doll
Speaks more clearly
Throws a ball underhand
Dances to music
Sorts toys by color, shape, or size
Kicks ball forward
Will "read" board books on his own
Scribbles well
Strings two words together in phrases
Brushes teeth with help
Stacks four blocks
Throws a ball overhand
Takes toys apart and puts them back together
Shows signs of toilet training readiness

Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Uses a spoon and fork
Throws a ball underhand
Enjoys helping around the house
Understands as many as 200 words
Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat)
Washes and dries own hands with help
Points to picture or object when you call it by name
May know when she needs to pee
Feeds doll
Takes off own clothes
Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away
Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day
Can walk up stairs (but probably not down)
May start exploring genitals
Draws a straight line
Names several body parts
Can walk up stairs
Able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place)
Throws a ball overhand
Kicks ball forward
Stacks six blocks
Names simple picture in a book
Can walk down stairs
Kicks ball forward
Follows two-step requests (e.g., "Get your doll and bring it here")
Does simple puzzles
Draws a straight line
Names several body parts
Puts on loose-fitting clothes
Might be ready for a big bed
Understands opposites (e.g., tall vs. short)
Names simple picture in a book
Uses 50 to 70 words
Opens doors
Sings simple tunes
Takes more of an interest in playing with other kids
Talks about self (likes, dislikes)
Asks "why?"
Names at least six body parts
Half of speech is understandable
Makes two- to three-word sentences
Talks about self
Arranges things in categories
Can walk down stairs
Begins to understand abstract concepts (e.g., sooner and later)
Becomes attuned to gender differences
Learns to jump

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